We have a fully stocked gear room with EVERYTHING you could need for your days on the water: Sage rods, Galvan reels, Rio lines, flies, leaders, tippet, waders and boots. Your guide will make sure your fishing gear is perfectly matched to the conditions and species for the days adventure. We encourage you to bring your favorite gear and flies – that said, we have you covered even if you bring nothing but a raincoat. Having the best gear available for our customers is just one of the areas we excel in.
We have assembled a tight-knit group of selfless, mature Alaska fishing guides that understand the true meaning of service. Combined with our handpicked pilots, masseuse, kitchen and support staff we defy any lodge to match our customer care. Rapids Camp Lodge prides itself in not only taking care of our guests, but giving our staff the absolute best working conditions in Alaska.
Two-to-One Guide Ratio
We firmly believe in the two-to-one guide ratio. Unless you are a very experienced fisherman, advice will be needed along the way to ensure your trip meets all expectations. On the other hand, we excel at knowing when excellent fisherman just want to be left alone. Our guides are hired to take care of you in the fashion you like; it is our job to pay attention.
Do you have a style of fishing you enjoy? We understand and respect all styles and types of fishing. Rapids Camp Lodge is the leader in having a guide staff with sharply honed skills and individual specialties. Our guides thrive on teaching and demand from themselves productive days on the water. For variety and the ability to see the most rivers in Bristol Bay, Alaskan guides know Rapids Camp Lodge is the place to work.
Our pilot staff is composed of men who not only like to fish but also understand and know Bristol Bay like the backs of their hands. RCL prides itself on only hiring the best and most experienced pilots. Your safety is paramount to our success.
Often overlooked, but never forgotten, is a professional massage after a great couple of days of fishing. We are proud to offer the highest level of service available.
World-Class Planes
We ensure our ability to deliver great trips by owning two de Havilland Beavers on floats, one spectacular newly rebuilt Beaver on tundra tires, and one Turbine Otter on amphibious floats . Getting you to great places is what we do best.
Our Beavers 2297R, 95RC and the Otter 205RC, have all been stripped down to bare metal and completely restored to a like new condition. We are confident that no other lodge has planes quite so spectacular. With the only heated hanger in King Salmon, our planes are kept immaculate and maintained to the highest standards; safety is our commitment to you. A key component to the success of your trip is that there is a seat in a plane for you each and every day. With four airplanes we are unbeatable.
Originally known as the “King Beaver” the Otter is based on the same principles, but larger in size than our three Beavers. Our Otter is one of 26 planes in the world retrofitted with a 1000hp Garret Turbine engine to increase performance and range. Set up to fly with instruments, there is no safer way to get around Alaska. Fast and safe we blow by our competition.
Beavers on Floats
We own de Havilland DHC-2 Beavers on floats, probably the most famous bush planes in the world. “Cherry” is often the word used to describe our planes. Perfect for groups of 4 guests and 2 guides, you will fly in style and comfort with RCL.
Custom Boats
We only use the finest boats and motors money can buy. Rest assured when we land at any wilderness river our motors run perfectly, the boat will be spotless and ready to go for your day on the water.
Silence of Rafts
Rafting is a wonderful and idyllic way to enjoy wilderness rivers. Bristol Bay Alaska offers many great rafting rivers; some we fish almost daily. On our Alaska rafting trips, our anglers fish some of the most remote and productive rivers for Rainbows, Grayling and Char found anywhere. This is the perfect way for less mobile anglers to access much written about rivers like rafting the Big Ku.