King Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), also referred to as Chinook, is the first and the largest Pacific salmon species to enter the freshwater rivers of Bristol Bay. At Rapids Camp Lodge we have fly-out destinations to target these fish and typically see them show up by mid-June, with the run lasting through the middle of July. Not only do we fly out in search of King Salmon but we also have an ‘out camp’ strategically located on the Nushagak River. Guests can fly from the lodge to the ‘Nush’ each day, where we maintain a small ‘out camp’ and a fleet of river sleds. We fish for King Salmon on swung flies or conventional tackle, whichever angling experience you’re looking for, we can deliver it!
Recommended Gear
For King Salmon, we recommend 9 and 10 weight two-handed rods between 12 1/2 to 14 feet. For single-hand rods, 9 and 10 weights are preferred and are a great way to fish striped flies in soft water sloughs and channels. Large profile flies with weighted lines work best on the Nushagak River. We can provide all fly rods, reels, lines, and flies or an assortment of conventional tackle. We have everything you need for a great day out on the water!