A Unique, Customized Fishing Experience
If you want to be involved in designing your dream Alaska vacation, you have come to the right place. No day of your trip will be planned without careful attention to your wishes. Based on our vast experience, the time of year and the daily weather conditions, we will help you whittle down the multitude of choices – making each day an adventure to remember.
Leave the Crowds Behind
The key to success is prime location, and we have it. Not only do we fish all the great rivers of Katmai National Park, but we also take our guests to explore remote and rarely fished rivers on the Alaska Peninsula. Our proximity to King Salmon affords us exchange days without unforeseen delays and missed fishing opportunities. There is no need to land at crowded rivers. Sure sometimes we fish amongst other lodges, for example Moraine Creek is just too good not to visit at the right time of the season. We fly to more locations than any other river-based lodge in all of Alaska. If we fly to a river where the pressure from other anglers will impact your success, we fly further. There are just too many resources in the area not to choose the best one each day.