Red Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), also called Sockeye, starts to show up in the Bristol Bay region at the beginning of July and typically runs through the entire month. Whether named for their bright red meat or the fire engine color of their bodies at spawning, fresh Sockeye is a salmon connoisseur’s most palatable reward. They enter the river in droves and fight hard off the reel. Sockeye Salmon is the symbol of life in Bristol Bay and throughout the State of Alaska. Sockeye Salmon is largely responsible for our resident fish populations’ health and well-being within the surrounding ecosystem. We generally fish them with fly rods and there is a special technique that we call ‘lining fish’ and we’ll show you how to do it! Taking Sockeye Salmon home is a part of the program.
Recommended Gear
We recommend 7 weight to 8 weight rods, with durable reels and a strong drag to match. We use floating fly lines and nothing lighter than 10 to 15 pound monofilament.