Silver Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), also called Coho, joins the other four species of salmon during August. The charge of adrenaline you’ll feel from a top-water take to a subsurface stripped fly is a sensation that’s hard to describe. Silver salmon will hit a stripped or swung fly with such great force that it will make you consider how well you have your rod gripped. Silvers are acrobatic, they love to break the surface coming out of the water twisting and turning to shake the hook! Silver Salmon is a premier game fish in Alaska on the fly.
Recommended Gear
We recommend 7 weight to 9 weight quality rods that are paired with durable reels and the spool capacity should be at least 150 yards of 20-pound backing. A floating line along with at least one sink tip is usually best. Sink tips should be 5 feet to 15 feet with a medium to fast sink rate, and 10 to 15-pound monofilament.