Naknek River
Logically our home river deserves special attention. Being part of the greater Naknek Lake system, our river drains millions of gallons of freshwater out into the Bering Sea and is one of the largest migratory routes on the planet for Pacific Salmon and home to trophy Rainbow Trout. There are certainly many different and productive methods for fishing the Naknek River. We know exactly when to fish the river and when not to; being right there we are deeply in-tune with the rhythms of the Nak. Every year RCL produces many of the largest Rainbow Trout in Alaska fishing the Naknek River.
Kvichak River
With two boats located in the heart of the braids, we fish the Kvichak when it is at its best. All of our guides have years of experience fishing this complex system and will take you right to the sweet spots. Whether side drifting, swinging leeches, or sneaking around back channels, fishing the Kvichak River fits into our philosophy of fishing each system at its peak location and time.
Nushagak River
The granddaddy of all Alaska King Salmon Rivers. We keep three boats at the Nushagak river ready and waiting. Your experienced guide will lead you right to the hotspots. Getting there to fish the Nushagak River is simple, a spectacular quick jump in the Otter.
The Alaska Peninsula Specialists
Variety and more variety make for a great fishing trip. Rapids Camp Lodge is proud to be the Alaska Peninsula Specialists with many years of experience fishing in the Alaska Peninsula. Few areas in Alaska offer this kind of pristine Salmon choked wilderness. With our experienced Alaskan pilots and four at-the-ready planes, plan to be spoiled. This is the sweet spot of Bristol Bay Alaska – miles of rivers left virtually alone.
Ugashik Lakes and Becharof Lake
These lake systems drain thousands of square miles and produce some of the largest Salmon runs in Alaska. Where there are Salmon there are large predators to greet them. Tributaries of both these lake systems hold huge Char; we regularly have guests catch 30+inch Char. Hold on tight because these monsters eat dry flies, mice, and streamers with reckless abandon. Unlike many places where Char of these proportions are found, we are within easy striking distance. Our strategic location close to Ugashik Lake and Becharof of Lakes means our guests are able to utilize the least fished areas of Bristol Bay. Without another angler in sight, what better way to spend time exploring Alaska and catching a unique species? With over 50 different remote streams accessible during your trip, Rapids Camp Lodge offers a special customized Alaska experience.
Remote and rarely fished, the Smokey River runs into one of the most productive Salmon rivers in Bristol Bay Alaska. As only one of two lodges with a permit to fish Smokey, we have the place to ourselves. Our fully equipped boats allow us to get right on the Salmon. The Smokey is a dream for the ‘small water-big fish angler’ in us all.
Salmon fishing in Alaska is what most fishermen come to Alaska for. That will make it no surprise that one of our favorite things to do is expose fishermen to all 5 species of Salmon. Most fly fishermen will love fishing the abundant Chinook (King) Salmon, Sockeye (Red) Salmon, Coho (Silver) Salmon, Keta (Chum) Salmon, and Pink Salmon. One adventure you won’t soon forget is fishing for these Salmon and getting to experience a wide variety of Alaska’s natural beauty.